Syrinscape: Epic RPG Sounds at Gen Con 2019

Are you looking for a way to spice up that Pathfinder campaign that seems to have hit a lull? Or maybe you just want to add some ambiance to your settlements in Catan. If so, I would recommend checking out Syrinscape, a sound app for Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS.

Calling it an app, while true, really sells Syrinscape short. It’s not just a set of sounds to turn on and off; it’s completely built with the dungeon master in mind. You can set up campaigns in advance then fine tune the sounds to create the environment or atmosphere you are looking for. If your party is traveling through the mountain you can create a scene with a light wind and the sound of a band of ogres in the background. As you move into the next area, the sound of the horn can grow as you also start to hear the sound of the beast charging through the forest. When you are ready for the fight to take place, Syrinscape has you covered there as well.

If you can’t tell, I was incredibly impressed by the power and usability behind Syrinscape when I had the chance to check it out this year at Gen Con. Benjamin Loomes, Syrinscape’s creator was nice enough to walk me through the features it offers.

One of the biggest launches at Gen Con 2017 was Paizo’s Starfinder. Ben worked with their team to design unique sounds for the launch of the game. The latest sound pack includes Starfinder locations, a dozen different starships, and more than 50 different types of weapons.

If you’re interested in Syrinscape, make sure you check out the free demo. After the demo you have several options, you can either pay for only the sounds you need or unlock everything for a small monthly fee.