Syrinscape and Discord - FIXED

I’ve tried following every tutorial I could find and just cant find one that works. Every single one is different.

So here’s my setup. I have Voicemeter Banana. and Voicemeter cable A and B (not that VAC thing) I can get my mic to show up on VM, and I can see visually when syrinscape is playing but cant hear squat and neither can anyone in my voice channel.

Hi @Vishera

Don’t you just LOVE computers! :hankey:

When you say EVERY tutorial, there should be only one you’re using:

Or here, for MAC:

And then, definnitely ask specific questions of the OP on those threads. He’s a really helpful guy, and shoooould be able to help you get everything sorted out.


Also, give us a few ore months and we’ll have the Master/Minion Player worked out and EVERYTHING will become MUCh easier!!! (and better in sound quality too)

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I ended up installing voicemeeter banana, and the A/B cable. And just started messing around with different inputs/outputs. But I think I got it!

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Great to hear, Vishera! If you still end up having problems, I’m happy to jump in text chat in discord and/or voice (if we can hear each other!) and help troubleshoot. I feel like I’ve finally gotten mine where I want it. (Although I never get too cocky as that’s when things break). Feel free to pm me to exchange info if you need any help. Glad it seems you have it sorted!


@benjamin The link to “Syrinscape & Discord on a Mac OS” does not link to a tutorial…

Thanks Gwydion,

Where’s the link to fix?