SyrinControl - WIP FoundryVTT module integration


I was looking at search integration and I’ve noticed that it is not under the endpoint.

It, unfortunately, means that the CORS issue is not fixed for the search.
I would love to use this feature to provide a way to search for specific moods inside my SyrinControl module. After all, I don’t want to request mood data in bulk :slight_smile:

Do you think it would be possible to lift the CORS limitation for this endpoint, or maybe expose it under or something similar (if that makes things easier)?

Interesting! Would this provide enough control to allow for ambient sounds? Or is the player too restricted and/or opaque for that?

That’s a good question. I’m going to give it a try now.

You need a file path, I haven’t used the ambient sounds for ages.
There is no file path to Syrinscape sounds that I know.

Ahh, so it does. That’s a bit of a shame - guess we’ll need to add a feature request to Foundry for that. And possibly some cross-company collaboration to figure out how you’d even want that API to work.

Hmmm. Digging a bit deeper, I wonder if you could make a module that just overrode the sync function on AmbientSound (I think it would have to be via monkey-patching) and delegated to Syrinscape. The primary issue would be that there’s no way to give each player their own Syrinscape audio, AFAICT. Fix that, and maybe you could get somewhere.

Hi, I’ve installed alpha 2 and then alpha 3, but the interface is unchanged and sounds are not playing natively in my Foundry tab (still need to have Syrinscape web player open in another tab). I’ve tried uninstalling then installing the alpha fresh with the same results. Running 9.269 in Firefox on Mac.


Is there a Patreon I can donate to?

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I’ve asked that too directly to them, but the answer was that they were developing it for their own game and just wanted to share. I would also pay in to a patreon for Syrincontrol! It’s amazing.

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Is there anything new with this module for Foundry ?
It could be good to have it for Foundry v10

I’m not upgrading to V10 for at least another four weeks yet. I’ve got two modules that are still to upgrade. They say they are going to do so I can be a bit more patient.

But you ARE going to update, right?

I just came back to this thread after quite a while to check wether it now works without the players needing to have the online player open. Would be heartwrenching if this cool module would be abandoned right when it achieved so much.

Hi @bauer.newsletter,

This extension is very much alive as far as i understand… and I gather that yes, it worls without Players having to have the Online Player open (in v10) (maybe a beta verison, I think).

Someone more in the know, will need to give details. :slight_smile:


Yeah, I’m still in V9, not touching V10 yet for my campaign.
But it’s still working perfectly well for me without opening Syrinscape.

All my scenes open with a Syrinscape mood now. It’s amazing.

The only thing that’s missing now and I think @frondeus is going to be working on it, is not being able to add a one shot to say a critical hit for example.

I can add a one shot to an item via an item macro. But that’s individual to that item.

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Awesome! :slight_smile: :wink: :smiley:

Yeah, it’s super cool what is possible with the API the dev team has built. I’ve seen some AMAZING stuff in the Fantasy Grounds extensions. It’s just a matter of someone taking the time to: think it up; code it; maintain it.

Soooo… Three cheers for @frondeus :pizza: :beers: :trophy:


does this module use one oof the players or the online master interface?

I think that is a question for @frondeus however in my experience I don’t open Syrinscape at all. The module gets the mood or one shot and plays it in foundry.

I have to temporaly disable SyrinControl. I am using FoundryVTT v10.
It should be updated to be compatible with v10 of Foundry.
Is that in plan ?

I’ve created a cloned server and duplicated my v9 world in v10. My Syrinscape through Syrincontrol is working perfectly well.

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As far as I understand SyrinControl should be able to control either the Online Player OR the Web Player, OR have the sound come straight out of the Foundry window (using our Web Player integration).

Someone correct me? :laughing:

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