Syrincontrol for Foundry for Syrinscape HELP

I dunno…used the Foundry module in a game last night and it worked just fine for me. Integration is fine. For overall sound that is at least - I don’t mess with it for placed or “local” sounds in foundry.

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And I just saw a new update come through to the module yesterday or the day before so it seems at least maintenance updates are continuing.

Thankfully! I love this integration


Out of curiosity - what is it that you are missing from the third-party Syrincontrol module? The main aspects of syrinscape (having the soundsets available and the ability to trigger the moods) can be controlled from within Foundry.

Hi, @Abourious

Have you found a solution to this?

Not really, I need Syrinscape back in my life so I think I am going to go down the Loopback (for Mac) and LiveKit route. Hope that works.