Suggestions for intro and campfire music

Hi there,

It must exist, but I don’t think I’ve quite mastered searching yet…

I’m looking for some relaxing music to accompany my campfire soundset of burning campfire and forest insect sounds. Does anyone have some good suggestions?

Also, would like to make a soundset that acts as welcoming music for my players to get ready to play. Something very generic and simple, to get everyone in the mood. Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance for any help!

For “welcoming the players” might I suggest the Threshold of Knowledge set with the “introduction and setup mood”, which is some nice music along with dice rolling and writing sounds!

For relaxing campfire music, Wagon Journey has music called “lone bard plays” which sounds like an actual bard playing a lute and singing, Tales From the Shadows has an element called “storytelling music” which is low, soothing music, but definitely on the soundtrack rather than in-film, ya know? The Fateforge sets (Free City in particular) has a number of elements. “Fateforge bard” has a single piper, while “Fateforge: main music” is more orchestral but not super-bold. Shadows of the Dragon Queen (any of the ones in that set) have an element called “Peoples of Kyrnn” which is a nice bit of relaxing music too.

Thank you very much, found lots in here that was useful!

It would be handy if searches had ‘tags’ for searching obvious moods. If that feature is present, I’ve missed it.

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In the “library” sample sections, typing “bard” and “music” as tags will help you find some of the music I have created for this type of ambience