Subscription Renewal - RESOLVED

About a month ago I had submitted a support email about PayPal deactivating my auto-payments, and the only solution was to re-subscribe when my subscription expires. My subscription is supposed to expire today, the 29th. I remember when I subscribed for the first time, it took almost two weeks to get access to everything. I would like to be able to resubscribe without the same lapse in coverage, as I play online and I don’t want to lose access to the Online Player. It still shows that I’m subscribed at the moment, so I’m not seeing any option that would allow me to resubmit my payment. How should I proceed?

You can subscribe directly from the store page, just select the subscription level that you want

If you use a debit or credit card subscriptions start straight away, if you pay by e-cheque or bankers draft then it will take PayPal a few days whilst it waits for your bank to clear the payment. So just make sure you have a card set as PayPals default payment method and you should be fully resubscribed in moments :slight_smile: