Subscription Expired with No Warning - RESOLVED

I just opened up my Syrinscape to find that my subscription has expired, but I was never alerted that it was going to expire. What gives? I’ve been a supporter of Syrinscape for a long, long time now, and am shocked by this. I’m going to try to renew the subscription now, but I’m concerned that I’ll get charged a higher fee (I seem to recall the monthly rate was going up a few months back).

The “Renew Now” button does not work, so I am unable to renew my subscription. Sending an email to Support to see if I can get this straightened out.

Just wanted to give an update on this issue: it has been resolved by Benjamin and Steve! My issue was responded to quickly and professionally, and Benjamin worked to come up with a solution, going above and beyond to solve the problem (which was caused solely by PayPal).

I can’t say enough about how happy I am to have my subscription renewed correctly, and how impressed I am by Benjamin and Steve. Thank you both again! :smiley:

Now I’m off to select some new sound sets for this coming Friday’s D&D session!

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Happy to help @acroyear4, glad we got things sorted for you and thank you for your long time support as a subscriber! :grin: