Straw poll: Use a Virtual Tabletop? If so, which one?

Wait, what! Wow! That is awesome…

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Yeah I have over 5,000 hours (and climbing) on Roll20 since 2020.


I almost hit 6k hours when I discovered Foundry. Roll20 is a distant memory now :joy:

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THANK YOU SO MUCH everyone jumping in here with your answers!

This REALLY helped us get a clearer picture of who everyone is using… and other things…

I use Roll20 with the Syrinscape Online player and Discord.

I use Foundry VTT with the Syrinscape control panel mod.

Used to be d20Pro but now it is Foundry.

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I use FoundryVTT for my players

I use Foundry hosted by Forge. Wish there were an easier way to integrate Syrinscape without using a separate player. Still love Syrinscape and I use it for all my games!

I use Foundry VTT hosted on my virtual server

There is, the module is called Syrincontrol, can be found in the usual place where modules are.

When I run my game in Foundry, I never have Syrinscape open. You’ve got to use the Syrinscape web player.

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This probably isn’t the right thread, but I wanted to respond to this as I am dabbling in FoundryVTT now. I thought that even with Syrincontrol you have to have the web player open, right? Either through KenkuFM or otherwise. You are saying that you don’t even need to have anything open to hear that Syrinscape sounds? I’m on v9 of FoundryVTT and I swear I still have to have the web player open to hear it.

Just trying to understand how you are doing it without having Syrinscape open at all. Thanks!

Oh wait… maybe I misunderstood. You mean you don’t have to have the standalone player open but still have to have the web player open, right?

Ok, so @frondeus will be able to explain this better than me but I don’t need anything Syrinscape open, not the control panel, not the web player. Nothing.

Syrincontrol in my Foundry VTT plays Syrinscape within Foundry VTT.

I do need to use the in Foundry search to find the soundset, then add it to my play list. Then I can play it no problem.

It doesn’t have to go through Kenku.

I’m on v9 too. I know this is not much help however I’m not sure why you can’t hear it just in Foundry.

Hi. It is better to wait for FoundryVTT v10 version of module.
I remember that in v9 it worked.

I’m not going anywhere near v10 for at least two months. :joy:

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I’m the author of SyrinControl.

The latest stable version requires Syrinscape player opened on the separate tab… But latest pre-release alpha version of SyrinControl makes an integration where audio is played directly in foundry for all players

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Holy smokes! Love it. I’ve used syrinscape with Fantasy Grounds now for years and chat triggers, etc… so although I’ve owned Foundry for years I’m really just diving in again to learn it. Can’t wait to see what you’ve done on the direct integration. That sounds phenomenal!

Just wow… Blown away. Trying it now but need more time to test. Imported a couple of soundsets and it just works. Amazing. Thank you so much for this!


Not yet. Working on getting Foundry set up.