Soundset Rotation?

I’m curious if the two soundsets that appear after the Custom Moods (currently The Mirrored Moon 1 & 2) are on a rotation or something. They seem to change every two weeks or so. Its not really a problem except I can not make a custom set because the soundsets changing removes sounds I turned on for my custom moods. Should I just stick to the main soundsets and any I purchase for building my custom moods?

The ppt Soundsets are the Pathfinder Playtest Soundsets, each Soundset is being made available to everyone during the two week period that Paizo are testing the matching chapter. After which the Soundsets are made Community Content and available to all of our SuperSyrin subscribers.

Take a look at the Soundsets credits (The little “I” symbol at the bottom left of the player) for more details about when the set is available from and till.

Thanks for the information. I’ll just have to make sure not to use any of those sounds in my custom moods.