Soundset Creator Issue: No sound plays when I click on icon


I am using Windows 10, I have tried on Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome and Fire Fox, on all three browsers I can not get the Soundset Creator to play any sounds.
I am able to play youtube videos with no issues, Apple Itunes and Spotify through the same device.
I have tried to reset my PC, Shutdown and same with all three browsers,

I also tried running as administrator for all three browsers.

Any help?

Heya @morethandungeons Welcome to everything Syrinscape. :slight_smile: :pizza: :beer:

I suspect you have not installed the player you need to play the sounds.

Take a careful look at this page and follow the steps there to get your online player app setup.

And note for the quickest response from our support team the support email: is best. Just so we don’t leave you waiting in silence… get it… silence!!! :wink: :smiley:

I have the online player, does the site itself not play sound?

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Hi there and welcome.

No you won’t get any sound at all through the browser. You need to have the Online Player open and linked to your account to hear any sound.

I’m having a similar problem. I’m also brand new; I’ve got the Syrinscape Online Player up, linked and running, I have the online master page open in my browser. But there’s no sound when I pull up and run a soundset.

Scratch that. It’s working now. Guess there was a delay from downloading the media.

Funny story: After posting the above, I left my computer in another room (which sits below our kitchen) for a few hours. Upon returning to the kitchen, I noticed a weird whistling sound coming from … somewhere. Wasn’t the fridge, wasn’t the dishwasher. Maybe it was the HVAC? Was it some strange vehicle outside?

Went downstairs, and the noise got louder. And creepier. Then, it hit me … oh, yeah, I left the browser page up which had Syrinscape’s master player on it.

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This is PERFECT!!! :pleading_face::blush::smiley: