Soundset creator doesn't seem to upload soundset - FIXED

I created a wonderful custom sound set for a campaign I am running tonight, but I cannot seem to get it to appear in the Syrinscape player.

I press “upload” in the creator, wait for the blue progress bar to complete, check the player, no dice. Close everything, check player, nope. Close everything, logout, login, check player, still not there. Check “campaigns” and sound sets on the website, not there either. Restart computer, try all of the above again, no results.

The soundset is called “Level 0”

What should I do?

Try changing the name to Level Zero, for some reason the creator does not like none alpha characters. Something we are trying to change on the new version!

Also double check that this folder is empty, as this could cause a problem with the upload; C:\Users[YOURUSERNAME]AppData\Local\Syrinscape\Syrinscape SoundSet Creator\media\export

Hope that helps :smile:

You know – it was actually there the whole time I suppose, however I was looking for it in the sound set list alphabetically and instead I found it at the very bottom of the list!


Haha! excellent, yes your own sets will always appear at the bottom of the list unless they are released as Community Content in which case they will appear alphabetically. It was supposed to make them easier to find :smile:

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User made SoundSets must be shy…

…talented but shy!

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