Some elements will not play - RESOLVED (there were a large number of LARGE files to transcode)

I just created a soundset and while there are 13 functional elements in it I cannot get any other ones that I create to work. After uploading samples to them I don’t get any errors and all seemingly upload without issue. When I play the non-functioning elements they do turn blue but they do not have a song progress circle around them nor are they backlit. All of my sample files are OGG format, I removed the metadata from all of them, and on average there are about 20-30 samples per element (if that matters) any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Just to make sure here (as you used the Soundset Creator back in the day) - you are using the Online creator right now?

Also - what is the duration of the samples you put into your new elements? Are those 20 to 30 rather short samples or very long ones? The behavior you experienced is usually happening when the samples are transcoded, so - depending on the length of the sample - this may take some time. :wink:

Sorry, yes I am using the online creator and they are fairly long, full songs, so I’ll set them all up again and let them sit for a day and report back. Thanks!

Just keep in mind, that you shouldn’t exceed the 100MB size limit of a soundset by too much. How large is the file size of those OGG files combined? With 20 to 30 songs per element I would assume we are talking about 150 to 180MB for those 20 to 30 elements?

Well I’ve let it sit for a full day and it seems to be working now! Guess it just had to get through the transcoding process. As far as the size of the soundset, if you take into account all of the files that I currently have loaded, it should be around 1.8GB. I had no idea that there was a limit to soundset size, I thought the only limitation was file size, but regardless it is in a working state and I should not have to change much of the soundsets from here on so thank you for your recommendations and assistance, it is much appreciated!

Syrinscape is not just a music player but rather a multimixer, using reverb, direction and distance to distribute the samples in the surround spectrum. Music is handled differently, but you have to make sure to set it to be a music element and deactivate 3D with the actual SAMPLE!

You should keep in mind, when it comes to size, that all the data of your soundset will have to be distributed to your players when using the online player. If they have a bad or slow connection they could experience a severe lag in playback. Plus - if they have a less powerful machine, they could experience performance issues. Keep that in mind when testing your sets with your players. Maybe you have to break up your sets in smaller ones to keep performance up.

It would be great if you could share your experience with your creations here, especially when it comes to performance. :slight_smile:

Hey @aswojtul,

What’s the name of your SoundSet and I’ll take a look to see if you’ve got everything set up right. :slight_smile:

I might be able to hellp you optimise things for the future.

Hey Benjamin! The name of my soundset is “Eparim Campaign” I’m sure it’s horribly optimized in fact I wouldn’t be surprised if I’m not using the creator to the fullest, I usually just load up elements with a bunch of samples for situations in the game and have never even touched moods. Thanks in advance!

New_vision, thanks for all the info! I do see a slight bit of lag from when the element is pressed to when it begins to play but nothing debilitating. I also have not used the online player when GMing online so the players in my game haven’t had to connect to it. I actually only use it with a decent laptop on my home network which is pretty fast and in that case the performance has been fine.

OK. I’ve done some testing. The Elements look fine.

NOTE: there will be NO addition latency just because you have MANY large samples in each element. The element will start running as soon as it is able (ie as soon as it has the first sample it needs downloaded). The element will NOT wait until it has ALL the samples downloaded. As soon as the first sample is downloaded the element will play.

Cool, huh? :smiley:

ALSO NOTE: You should go through and click on each of the samples and DE-select is 3D. At the moment your music will be sounding much more ‘flat’ than it needs to. Music that is non-diegetic (ie for the audience = the characters can’t hear it) should be in full stereo and NOT placed int he 3D environment. To fix this, simply click on each song in the Element Playlist and uncheck that checkbox.

SOUNDSET SIZE: Indeed if downloaded into the Fantasy Player, this SoundSet will be HUGE, which may cause install problems. If you were planning on using these songs in the Fantasy Player, then indeed, duplicate it multiple times and trim down each one to hold just a few of the elements instead. BUT if you are using it only in the Online Player… then no probs… go for it. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Makes sense?


Wow, thanks Benjamin, this is literally all the information about this platform I could have ever wanted. I’ll go through and deselect 3D sound on those samples and again, thanks!

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