Simple human battle


As far as i can’t see there is no basics soundsets for a really standard battle situation against human foes : Thiefs, Barbarians, Smugglers, Mercenary etc…

My PCs have regularly to deal with humanoïd foes, so a simple soundset like this should be good :blush:

I would recommend Battle of Wolven Pass, using the “Men in Battle” mood to suit your thieves, smugglers, and ruffians of all human stripes!

Yup, that was my first though for an adaptation with the creator.

But its more appropriate for an army battle. The samples for human voices doesn’t really fit for small scales combats (i tried).

What about elements of the voices from Tavern Brawl mixed with some of the sword/axe etc. noises from Bugbear Battle? That might give you an more intimate selection of voices along with battle sounds.

That should be good, i’ll tried this as soon as i manage to make the creator do what i want :smile:

On the other hand, i just wanted to point out the fact that such a basic roleplaying situation should be granted a complete/official soundset.

If you get your set how you want it, you could, if you so please, release it as community content and help fill that gap until Ben and Co. get a chance. :slight_smile:

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Also, was having a look around, and saw the soundset Bandit’s Cave has a good human battle of a smaller scale. It’s in the third soundset “In the Cave”, the mood “Goroc’s Gang.” Subtract the cave sounds for your landscape of choice, and there you go.

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Yup Bandits Cave should be perfect if you shut off the cave ambience!

Thanks again @HECook :smile: