Sharing sound around the table

I’m a syrinscape super subscriber. Is there a way where I could share my subscription to my play group and give my players access to the spell soundsets that are a part of my subscription? As a DM I’m fully occupied with running the show so it would be great if these effects could be triggered by the player who’s actually casting the spell.

What are you using to run your game? If it’s online there are a few way to trigger the sounds automatically. I know Fantasy grounds has something you can download. I’m sure Foundry has a way too.

I’m using foundry. But only for battlemaps. Minis, real dice and character sheets on DnDBeyond. I guess the easiest way would be to allow any account connected to your campaign that you created on syrinscape would have full access - just as DnDBeyond does it in their Master Tier.

You can try this thing I made more or less for this purpose:

You will need to pick up the IDs of the elements/moods/soundsets you want to share - but you can do this easily from the online master player (click show remote control links in the options menu, top right). You’ll also need to know your API token from the online player control panel.

Good luck - Let me know if/how you get on with it!

Great! Thanks. I’ll give it a try.

I made a google document and copied all player links in that. They click they hear, we kill, we loot.

This is pretty cool, but a lot of extra work and probably not super easy for us non-programmer folks. Wouldn’t it be cool if you could add one-shot buttons to the Syrinscape Online Player that players are already running during the game!