Shared Web Player link no audio for my Test Player

i just subscribed to Sryinscape . i’m testing out sharing a link and there is no audio for the player test i’m doing. I’m playing audio perfectly fine on my desktop PC. I share a link and use it on my laptop PC and when i click on the link it opens the web player but there is no audio :frowning: . i tested the Sryinscape site on the laptop and i get audio perfectly fine. it is just when i click share, email myself the link and use the link from my laptop no audio, what i’m playing cannot be heard through the share link , am i doing something wrong here ? or is something broken ? it seems simple enough but yet not working at all. i feel like i’ve wasted my time and money subscribing can anyone help me out here ? both PCs are windows 11 and latest Edge browser. thanks


So here is what i’ve figured out , you guys have a major BUG on your hand :(…
So i login with my subscription account on my desktop PC and start playing some Mood from a public SoundSet.

Then i go over to my laptop and act as a “player”

if I use this LINK…
link from clicking Online Control Panel

it works perfectly fine, i can send a link to players BUT they have to register for free account and log in , then EVERYTHING works :slight_smile: perfect and they hear everything i play or stop.

NOW on to the free web player for use without needing an account…

if I use this LINK…
link from clicking hamburger menu then Share Audio Arrow Icon

NOTHING is heard playing

Hi @bentoncrook (nice name) :wink:

THANKS for your report. :cupcake:

Soooo… I’ve just tested sharing my audio with the share audio link in the Web Player, and it is working for me.

Can you give us the specific steps you are taking so we can try and reproduce this.

Note: if shared audio had failed across the board we would be getting thousands of reports on support, soooo… we are probably looking for something unique about what you have done OR something wrong with your particular account.

Maybe your session is broken… in which case clicking the NEW GAME under that same hamburger menu might kick you back into functionality.

Let us know how you go. :slight_smile: :pizza: :robot: :hammer:

So i tested again. on my PC i logged in with my subscription account played like some Air Elemental battle it played fine. I clicked on hamburger menu, clicked Share Audio it gave me the link

then i emailed it to myself, got on my laptop made sure i was NOT logged into sryinscape using a subscription account so it’s acting like one of my players with no account. i got the free web player with the Click to Start button, i clicked it … and just get the bar to adjust volume no sound coming through…

so then go back to my PC with my subscription account click on my profile name Online Control Panel… then there is a section called “you can invite people to join your game by sending them a link” there is Show Link and Copy and Regenerate. So i click show link and copy the link looked like this

i emailed that to myself and hopped back over to my laptop. closed the free player page from before, clicked the invite link i just mentioned from my email i sent to myself. Got a prompt to create account or login, i already had created a non subscription account the other day testing this, so i logged in with my free account from another email address of mine… clicked play now , note it didn’t just show the free web player like before when i was trying to play without having logged in, it took me to the normal syrinscape user interface but with a free account, there was a Play now button in top right hand corner, soon as i clicked it sent me to the web player and Bam! i heard the Air elemental bit that was playing…

so tell me what i’m doing wrong so that ppl can play without having an account ? :slight_smile: i mean my workaround i just told my players go create free accounts and we all good, but it’s not that simple it seems to get the free web player without having to log in using an account, to work at all.

Have you done this too, yet? @bentoncrook

Sooo… @bentoncrook,

Chatting to dev, it looks like (for some reasons) maybe the SHARE audio link ID is wrong when you are copying it from the hamburger menu (I blame goblins)… make sure that long letter code is the same as the one in YOUR URL for the Web Player.

I imagine just starting a NEW GAME will probably fix however that glitched out… so DO try that, and then take a look at that SHARE LINK you are SHARING with your players and make sure it matches the URL you are running the Web Player from.

Does that make enough sense?!

Let us know how you go!!! :telescope: :partying_face: :sob: :bug: :hammer:

Hey @bentoncrook

Someone on the team suggested you MAY have copied the SHARE AUDIO link shared it with your players and then someone started a new session, or gone to a bookmarked older one = i.e. you are running sound in a different session to the one your players are listen to = so check that out as a possibility too?

Either way… GAME ON! :smiley: