Sandbox Play Use-Case?

I was hoping to use Syrinscape for my sandbox TTRPG. But it doesn’t allow me to organize things easily. For example, I want to be able to select a terrain type, weather, and mood music dynamically, and on most importantly – on the fly. Pre-packaged scenes – even customizable ones – doesn’t help in a sandbox, because the specific combination of music, sfx, etc., aren’t necessarily known in advance.

Ideally, the easiest interface for this sandbox use-case would accommodate easier on-the-fly usage. Imagine something like a dropdown with weather options, a dropdown with terrain options, etc.

Moods are too bloated of a construct – everything is tightly coupled for pre-determined scenes.

Toward that end, the inability to remove pre-loaded global one-shots is a big deal. That global space on the UI is a central real estate / functionality, but we can’t fully curate it. Which means we’re not able to leverage it like we want to.

I understand there are technical challenges in playing multiple moods at once. That’s fine – but allow users to create sub-categories within a mood that can be played simultaneously. This would go a long way toward accommodating sandbox play.

Anyway – I think the product is one of the best on the market, unfortunately it doesn’t accommodate sandbox play very well. Which is tragic!

P.S.: I loved your live-plays from back in the day. Was good stuff.

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I tried emailing them about this, to see if there are any work arounds – but received no response. Unfortunately. I’ll just cancel my subscription if I don’t hear anything back in the next week.

I might be missing something: to me it sounds like you want to be able to create a custom soundscape on the fly with tons of sound options, and to be able to organize them into custom sets in which you can mix and match, both of which are already features already offered.
Perhaps you want better search functionality, or you just don’t care for the button style interface? fair complaints, but I don’t know of any existing app that suits your needs better than syrinscape could with some (maybe quite a bit of) preparation.

Imagine I want a forest with rain fall. I add a Mood for it.
Imagine I want a forest with rain fall, but with the sounds of feet and hooves hitting mud. Okay, I add another Mood.
Imagine I want a forest with rain fall, but with the sounds of people fighting. Okay – I need to add another Mood.
Imagine I want a forest with a light wind, no rain fall, and joyful music playing. Okay, that’s another Mood.

I can’t play Moods simultaneously. I can’t layer in a forest, light wind, and whatever else, on the fly as needed. Unless I dump all elements in the same Mood. And that’s an organizational nightmare, because there’s no “folders” within a Mood for subdivision. If Moods were capable of being played simultaneously, this subdivision wouldn’t be necessary. But as of now, neither option exists. Forcing sandbox GMs to parse through a single page of sound elements in order to throw something together on the fly.

Unless there’s another way to achieve this, in which case please let me know!

With all due fairness…

Sadness. :-/

I HAVE in fact just read your email and this post here.

You’ll definitely NOT want to cancel, I reckon, but rather get involved with our betas this year as we try some new ways of accessing Syrinscape, indeed, HUGE library. Something like what you are describing is one of the things I, personally, am keen to experiment with. :robot: :hammer:

Interested in giving us some help trying out some new things?

I would LOVE to be a beta user for new features. How do I do I go about that?

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Hey @Phil,

We have made a change that should help you out.
(this is a dupe post in a few places, but I want to pick up everyone who was interested in this happening)

We have deployed a change that lets you HIDE the default (official) Global OneShots in the Web Player and Online Player.

You can find the setting in the Web Player interface:

  1. Go to the hamburger menu = three horizontal lines at the top right

  2. Select SETTINGS there

  3. Change your settings.
    The interface should automatically update.

You can ALSO find the setting under your dashboard here:
(you will need to reload the WebPlayer or Online Player Master to get this change to show).

Have a go and let us know if that works how you want.

Useful? :robot: :hammer:

Yes! Is there a way to display custom globals without displaying the default globals?

Yes. :slight_smile:

  1. Hide the DEFAULT globals with that setting
  2. Make yourself your own custom SoundSet.
  3. Add some OneShots to it.
  4. Check the “Show in global OneShots” checkbox in the Element properties in any of those OneShots.
  5. Once you navigate AWAY from that SoundSet, these OneShots will show in that bottom panel.

Have a go.

Let me know if you’d like me to make a video showing all that step by step.

AND you ALSO might start this process by Duplicating Bugbear Battle… and then DELETING any of those Globals there that you do NOT want to show (in case you actually DO want a whole lot of them showing, and just wanted to thin them out and add some of your own.

You guys rock! Thanks to the whole team!

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