I was hoping to use Syrinscape for my sandbox TTRPG. But it doesn’t allow me to organize things easily. For example, I want to be able to select a terrain type, weather, and mood music dynamically, and on most importantly – on the fly. Pre-packaged scenes – even customizable ones – doesn’t help in a sandbox, because the specific combination of music, sfx, etc., aren’t necessarily known in advance.
Ideally, the easiest interface for this sandbox use-case would accommodate easier on-the-fly usage. Imagine something like a dropdown with weather options, a dropdown with terrain options, etc.
Moods are too bloated of a construct – everything is tightly coupled for pre-determined scenes.
Toward that end, the inability to remove pre-loaded global one-shots is a big deal. That global space on the UI is a central real estate / functionality, but we can’t fully curate it. Which means we’re not able to leverage it like we want to.
I understand there are technical challenges in playing multiple moods at once. That’s fine – but allow users to create sub-categories within a mood that can be played simultaneously. This would go a long way toward accommodating sandbox play.
Anyway – I think the product is one of the best on the market, unfortunately it doesn’t accommodate sandbox play very well. Which is tragic!
P.S.: I loved your live-plays from back in the day. Was good stuff.