Ridiculously loud music at beginning of battles

I’m running a Wild Beyond the Witchlight campaign, but I’m struggling to use the soundscapes for it because at the beginning of many of the moods there’s a ridiculously loud orchestral piece that comes to a dramatic crescendo and it doesn’t seem to be coming from any of the elements that are shown so I can’t turn it off or down. It’s much louder than anything else. For example, go to chapter 3: Locations in Thither, and select any of the fights.

So what you are hearing is probably a OneShot musical sting.

What is your OneShot volume set to? Consider turning that down a chunk and that should fix you?

Let me know if any of that makes sense and/or works! :slight_smile:

That’s the problem, it isn’t any of the elements present in the soundset or the global elements. There’s nothing present that accounts for the sound, so I can’t get rid of it. Yes, if I turn the one shot volume way down it’s okay, but then I have to immediately turn it back up after it or you can’t hear the stuff you should be hearing.

If you are using the Web Player then you should be able to save versions of the battle starts without those Stingers… need some instructions on how to do that? :slight_smile:

What I’m saying is that the stinger doesn’t show up as an element. If I’m missing something, I would appreciate the help

There are almost always oneshot sounds that are unique to the soundsets. In your example it is the Battle stabs oneshots (see screenshot 1).

If you want to get rid of the Battle stabs at combat start here is a short “how to”:

  • Make a copy/duplicate of the soundset you want to modify.
  • Go to the soundset and click the little dots of the mood you want to adjust (1)
  • Select the element you want to alter, in this case the Battle stabs oneshot. If you don’t want it to play upon selecting just click anywhere in the text field below the oneshot button (2)
  • With the Property inspector open, select the mood element section. Now you have two options - either you can stop the oneshot from starting with the mood, in that case you have to remove the checkmark on the “starts with mood” selection box. Or: you have to move the target volume slider to a volume setting you feel comfortable with, so it is softer but still audible. (3)
  • You will have to/can do that for every element that doesn’t work for you.

Hope this helps. :slight_smile: