Morning, all. So, I realize with the Master/Minion what I’m about to describe is becoming obsolete. However, some folks might still use the standard player and until the volume control for one-shots comes to the standard player, this might be helpful. Or, if you use automated sounds like through Dulux-Oz DOE Sound extension for Fantasy Grounds, this might still prove useful.
My question is whether an alternative is interesting to anyone. If so, I’ll create a video this weekend to show how I’ve been able to do this and it seems to work pretty well.
Basically, the tools I use are as follows:
Syrinsacpe (duh?!)
Voicemeeter Banana (for sound routing)
Cleanfeed (to transmit the syrinscape sounds to my players through a browser), but note that my solution will work with discord as well IF you set up a separate profile for your syrinscape sounds in discord.
Minihost modular (a free VST host)
LoudMax (a free VST plugin)
I know it sounds like a lot, but really the only things I added to my setup to reduce the oneshot sounds is minihost modular and loudmax. What I’m doing is routing the sounds from my Cable B (where Syrinscape is in Voicemeeter Banana) into the minihost modular and running it through loudmax. Loudmax is a limiter. It sets a “cap” on the volume level of sounds. I set mine to -5 db (threshold and output for those that try this before my video). So, I play syrinscape at a level that is good and when the fireball or “yay” comes in super loud, loudmax limits the volume before it goes to my headset or out to the players (or my stream). This all happens automatically once it is set up without me doing anything.
Anyway, before I created a video showing how to do this I thought I’d see if I’m the only one who is interested in it…