Recent 502 Errors

I have been noticing intermittent 502 errors when I am working on soundsets. Things will work fine for long periods of time, and then I will get a bunch of 502 errors. If I wait for 30 seconds or a minute, the errors go away. The errors seem to be more frequent during prime gaming hours. Are there enough servers to support the user base at peak periods?

Sorry for the late reply, I’ve only just seen this. You are always best emailing us at support if you are looking for an immediate response.

But yes, Syrinscape uses several servers and has enough capacity amongst them to manage all of our users, even during peak times. We haven’t had anybody else recently report any issues, so it could be that the 502 errors are caused by timeouts if you are trying to upload large samples or pieces of music, which are taking longer to upload than they normally should or if you are uploading a lot at once, which the server then needs to transcode…

If the issue persists for you then drop us an email at support with some more details and we can look into it for you.