When I first discovered Syrinscape, I purchased the package for Starfinder Dead Suns Episode 1. Having played with it, I love the content and the capabilities. I now desire more! I have been looking at buying a lot more, in fact. I am curious, though, about package pricing. I see that the Mega Starfinder pack also contains Starfinder Dead Suns Episode 1. Does the price for the Mega Starfinder pack then get prorated for the content I already own?
I’m sure we could come up with a discount for that BIG pack taking into account the stuff you’ve already bought. Contact us at support at syrinscape dot com and we’ll sort you out.
Do carefully consider a subscription too, of course, as you’ll get a complete unlock with that!
Thanks for the response. I will likely be in touch in the next day or two. As a quick remark to your last comment, I avoid subscription models when possible. Eighty dollars in subscription fees gets me 8 months of access to everything. Eighty dollars purchase price gets me permanent access to the things I am actually looking to use. Unless I am missing some detail, purchasing seems a better long-term option than renting.
You know, that everything that is newly released during your subscription period, you get permanent ownership off? That doesn’t help you with the Starfinder stuff ownership, but you are building up your library of things you own, while being able to use everything. Depending on what else you are playing, this can be a very good bargain.