Problem solved. I will now clarify what I did, and integrate the info at protip #5.
Cut the Syrinscape folder from C:\Users\yournamehere\AppData\LocalLow\Syrinscape and paste inside the folder where you want it instead. In my case, it was D:\Syrinscape Sounds. So, at the end I had a path called D:\Syrinscape Sounds\Syrinscape.
Delete C:\Users\yournamehere\AppData\LocalLow\Syrinscape in case it’s not, but it should already be if you did cut-paste.
Open a cmd.exe with admin rights. Look up on google how to do it, it’s really simply but it might vary from different operating systems.
Type the following line, modify it according to your personal folder paths. Keep the quotation marks (") where I put them.
mklink /J “C:\Users\yournamehere\AppData\LocalLow\Syrinscape” “D:\Syrinscape Sounds\Syrinscape”
- and type enter.
The problem was at Step 4, because I linked the original folder to “D:\Syrinscape Sounds” and not to “D:\Syrinscape Sounds\Syrinscape” as I should have. Therefore, the software could not read it.
I hope this helps!
Paolo M