Hey everyone, I am about to start a low level Campaign in the Pathfinder system titled Fangs From The Past. Is anyone familiar with this one and do you have any suggestions for accompanying sound sets? Looking to ramp up the immersion for my group of 1st time RPG’ers.
Thanks in advance!!
Did someone say my name?
Okiday, let’s take a look at some summaries and reviews on the internet here…
So the adventure starts in your local tavern with a telling of a tale, so Friendly Tavern is the place to start. Then the action starts in the village proper, so Brindle Town is your next best bet. The players have a few paths to follow once they’re on the case of finding the flying monsters, so if the end up going after the toad, the Swamp set gives you lots of croaking and other atmospheric noises there. If the characters are wandering about the woods, you could use Witchwood for that. Bugbear Battle or Ogre Battle would serve for gnolls and whatnot (maybe with some of the crazy laughs from Spooky for their hyena-esque sounds). Once you get to Cobolt Chasm, I’d recommend Mountain Pass.
For the attack/encounter with the flying beast, you could use Dragon Battle for wing/claw sounds as necessary. When you get to the kobolds and their dungeon, you can use the Kobold Lair as well as Elements: Wind. Also maybe Dungeon Depths for more traps sounds and weird echoes. For the calcified kobolds, just use Kobold Lair and some of the pebble/rockfall sounds from Mountain Pass, and make sure any of the attacking one-shots you use are the ones against metal or wood, rather than the squishy flesh ones (use Arrow in Wood, instead of Arrow in Flesh, use Sword Swoosh and Weapon Impact when the PCs hit, because those are all hard sounds). Another possibility is Strange Aeons’ Dream Quests II, which have one mood called “Ceramic Guardians.” That’s a lot of great stony sounds too.
When you get to the riddles and treasure, you may want some atmospheric “awe” sounds as they learn and ponder and think. If you have the Sci-Fi player, I’d recommend Preserver Artifacts or Nebula. If just the Fantasy Player, you might want to use Disjunction Chamber, the “chords” element from In the Lair of the Siren, or Shimmering Veils.
If you have some other areas, events, or monsters you’d like a recommendation for, give me some more detail!
Once again you are amazing!!
@HECook if you make it to any of the cons that we are at we owe you a drink or two! Be great to hang out and finally meet the oracle of gaming
Are you heading Gencon or Pax Unplugged this year?
Thank you much!
Alas not going to anything this year, but I am going to try very hard to get to GenCon in 2018!
Wow! @HECook, this is amazing!! This is exactly what I needed… sorry for taking so long to reply, but wanted to let you know after the playthrough… just fyi, everyone LOVED the use of the sounds you suggested! It helped make for incredibly immersive experience. I really appreciate your help!
You are Awesome!
Thanks again,
And thanks to Steve and Chris as well! I must say, the Syrinscape Forum participants are the best! Thanks again guys!!