Hello again. I recently wrote a question concerning a full subscription, which you swiftly answered; thank you. I now had a question concerning purchased material in relation to a costume made sound set. Let’s say I purchased a variety of sound sets you sold. And then let’s say I took on a full subscription thereafter and got to make (through it) sone costume sounds, thereby creating a set and uploading it to the server. I’m guessing that some of the purchased sets will have sounds available through a full subscription. So, my question is this: if I own certain sounds packages, and I had made my own costume sound sets through a full subscription, if I (for whatever reason) were not able to continue my full sub, would I be able to play my costume sound set so long as it had sounds I purchased outright? I hope the question makes sense (and I am not just sounding like a complete moron, LOL). If I do, just let me know so that I can rephrase. Thanks.