Organize Sounsets in Online Player

Due to the unavailability of SyrinControl in Foundry VTT V12 I started to explore the web player. Is there a way to bookmark soundsets, so that I could pre-organize the CoS sounsets? I want to organize all soundsets before the session.

Hi @Valmont,

Yes indeed. :slight_smile:
If you go here: (link available at the top right of the homepage)

  1. Make yourself a campaign under one of the Fantasy or Sci-fi tabs (this determines which OFFLINE player the campaign will show in, but does NOT matter for the Web Player which shows ALL campaigns from anywhere).

  2. Then add the SoundSets you want in your campaign.

  3. This campaign will now show at the top left of the Web Player interface for you to sort the visibility of content there in that left hand column (possibly refresh).

Have a go of that and let us know if those instructions make sense for you.

AND thank you for continuing to use Syrinscape even after SyrinControl has been down. :pizza: :beer: