Online Player Version Number - Where?

How can I check the version of my Online Player, so that I know if I need to update?

It is located on the left hand side of the master interface. If your version is outdated you will get a message on the player app itself.


To the devs: Would it be too much to ask to have the player version number in the player? It being only on the master interface is unintuitive, cumbersome (i have to open a browser, navigate to Syrinscape site, log in, and open the master interface just to check the version number), and prohibits my players from checking their player version number.

“But there’s an automatic notification in the player!”, you say? Yes, that doesn’t help in checking manually that you’re on the latest version. In many apps, in many cases those update notifications don’t always work or work with a lag. It gives peace of mind that just before a game session, you can make sure that we’re all on the same player version.

Yeah, there’s a settings screen coming in a release very soon.

It’ll also have output device selecting and the missing speaker setup.

So stay tuned. :slight_smile: :hammer_and_wrench:

This makes me happy!


That’s is awesome news I was missing the same. Also on your download section of your website it would be help full to see the version number so you didn’t have to download the file to check it.

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@sammyelal Agreed. As a quick way to check the available download version now is to hover your mouse pointer on the donwload link and read the file name from the bottow left corner of your browser.


We will be moving the Syrinscape Online Player downloads to the main downloads page soon.