Is there an issue with the Online player? I’ve redownloaded it four times and it is not going to the dialogue where you are given a PIN to link via the site…
Same here. It just shows the Online Player window with the version (1.4.0-20190207) and basically nothing else (nothing to interact with). So, I can’t link it and play any sounds…
OK. Some people are getting this, but everyone has managed to fix by:
- Simply restarting the Online Player (maybe a couple of times)
- Restarting the OS (Restart Windows)
NOTE: If something is blocking Network communication by the Online Player it will get stuck on it’s startup screen. ie you are looking to allow traffic for the Online Player or it won’t work (weirdly enough!
NOTE FOR US: We need to make the Online Player give some kind of intelligent message when it is not getting off the startup menu because it can’t see the internet.
I actually had to uninstall the Online Player and then reinstall. Then it was able to work.
Excellent… though… I sometimes suspect the re-install is just acting as a restart and it might have worked on the restart anyway, but then you have no way of knowing because you re-installed anyway, but then it’s working now anyway so it doesn’t matter either way…
Unfortunately, no amount of closing/reopening, or rebooting, or re-installing worked in my case. However, I did finally get it working. In case it helps others, the only way I could get it to work was to do the following:
Uninstall the Online Player.
Delete (or rename) this folder, replacing your username in the path:
C:\Users\your_username\AppData\LocalLow\Syrinscape\Syrinscape Online Player -
Reboot (might be unnecessary).
Install the Online Player again.
Reboot (again, might be unnecessary).
Open the Online Player again. It displays the PIN!
Link the device on the website.
The Online Player did not realize it had been linked. Close it and re-open it and it should then work.
I hope this helps!
Urgh! This doesn’t seem ideal, does it @notrealdan
THANKS for your patience!!!
We will hunt this bug down eventually! Thanks for your info, because every little bit helps. You never know when you’ll get the decisive bit of info!
I’m having trouble with this.
I’m trying to set up sounds to run my game this weekend with remote players, and the control panel says im linked, but the master interface says i need to link it, but i cant find the pin anywhere.
@sundaystudiosart click the “unlink” icon (top right) in the online player app to reveal a new PIN number and then re-link it to your account by following the link displayed in the master interface alert.
I’m having this problem too
I thiiiiiiiiiiink I just emailed you and you have worked this one out, right?
If not… give us some more details… and screenshots:
And or watch the highly useful video on this page:
- cross goblin fingers and toes
This is still occurring, there is nowhere in your FAQs and the online video does not help, this is not simple, easy, or worthwhile.
I have tried with 3 people now, each have a good tech competence, but this strained all three of us to breaking point. Not impressed thus far, after less than one day being a sub.
I know when I was first having issues with it, I realized I didn’t have the actual Online player and only the fantasy player lol, not saying thats your issue but I would make sure of that. Also I know when some of my new people getting set up they dont see the link so I get them to just close and reopen it and it works.
Thanks for your help, more constructive than anything I have heard from Syrenscape customer service
Hey @philburrow did we miss an email from you? Where have you been getting this bad customer support! I’m chasing you man, trying to help!
Let us know how we can help! Send some screenshots. Tell what particular prob you are having. We can sort you out!
HI, i tried adding my pin number and it says its wrong, now i cannot find where the pin number is kept, i have watched the video and cannot seem to recover the pin number please help
Please help , i cannot find my pin number , tried everything, where is it hiding
I manged to get it to show another pin number but it now says its incorrect
I copied it direct so is defo right
You should not need to copy anything, let’s see if we can work out what is happening. Does the Online Player get past the initial splash screen?
Do you see something like this:
(in which case you may need to click on the broken chain to unlink)
Or a link request screen like this?
(in which case you should be able to click “Link Device” to get going)
What happens when you click on that? It should open a browser asking you to log in to your Syrinscape account, if you’re not already.
Or a similar page just confirming who you are linking to if you are. Maybe this can help explain what is happening.