I’m used to getting a link from the Fantasy player and placing it in Realmworks so that I can trigger moods during a game session. Is there a similar feature in the online player? I play all in-person game sessions so I really don’t need to trigger remote computers, but I want to skip the step of downloading/syncing a custom mood to the Fantasy player after I’ve created it in the Master Interface/soundset creator.
I assume its somehow associated with the Show RemoteControl links option in the upper right corner. I click the buttons that show up (looks like a play/stop button) and I get a “copied!” response. Pasting that link results in somethign like this:
and then when I try to follow that link I wind up at a Django REST framework webpage.
Thanks for any help!
EDIT: Turns out the sounds do indeed launch. Unfortunately the Django webpage popping up is rather bothersome. Any insight?