First, is there any way to adjust the properties of an element only within a single mood? Say, the reverb or positioning? I’d like to create a variation of one of my moods to be heard inside (IE - the same set of sounds, but muffled due to walls.) I duplicated the mood and tried changing the reverb and direction, which achieves the affect, but it seems to change the elements for all moods, not just the one I’m working on.
Second, I’ve got a mood that kicks off with an element with three sounds played in quick succession (boom, Boom, KABOOM!) The three sounds are their own element, Sound effect, start with mood, sequential playlist with no repeat, 2 second delay before start, 1 second delay between sounds, count delay from sample start. It creates a really great sequence that layers on a wave of explosions getting closer.
The problem is, if I start the mood that includes it, it plays fine. I then stop the mood or play another mood. If I then start the mood in question again, the sequence does not play. The timer circles once, then does nothing. How do I solve this?