Offline mode? even custom sets?

Hi guys… Literally found this like 10 mins ago…

I’m just starting to GM and would love to use this… however… where we play has little internet access and was wondering if this has an offline mode? i.e. will everything be accessible offline? or do i need to keep an internet connection? specially for the custom sets?

Thanks (p.s. total noob here! :D)

Hey Shugs, :smile:


Everything works offline. The Players only need internet access to check what you own and to download and install content you own. (Which includes stuff you’ve built using the Syrinscape SoundSet Creator and uploaded to the server).


  1. The Syrinscape SoundSet Creator need internet to startup.
  2. The Players will need internet access sometimes on startup to check what you own (and if the setup of your system changes etc) A hotspot up for 1 minute is enough to fix this. But also just make sure you start the app in wifi and then put the system to sleep to be sure to be sure.

Make sure you check out the ProTips category here… and ask more questions! :slight_smile:

Enjoy all the roars and screaming!