Has anyone here used Syrinscape for this? Which tracks did you find helpful?
I haven’t done, but if you could tell me what you’re looking for, I can recommend some things for you!
Sure, I’ve run this before, but i didn’t have Syrinscape at the time.
- Tavern, Giggly girl, wilderness with boar, altar with fire, noise of sacrifice acceptance(both good and evil).
- steamy area, melee battle in echoey temple, mimic, flying swords, underground cave, water weird, hag,
- greek city, blacksmith, play/arena, marketplace, greek music, drunk dwarf, Busy forge, belching,
castle, weeping man, bureaucracy office noises, Thor-like king noises, - forest, druidy building, underground fairy sounds, dinner table, sounds of ravenous eating, shapechanging to monsters, dryad battle, foresty music
- Necropolis graveyard, Lich, minotaurs, skeletons, labyrinth, spooky noises/music
- Loud waterfall, troglodyte battles, death dog battles, Major Cerberus battle, awesome treasure music, empty forge noises/music,
- Major city herald horns, lightning bolts, awestruck citizens, royal chamber, Temple of the good guys, temple of the bad guys, maenad cult music, Glorious queen music/noises, hated king music/noises, cult leader music, Dopey dragon music/noises
- travel across the wilderness music, satyr noises, river noises, whitewater noises, riding waterfall to a cave, quiet area, reveal a big boat,
- ocean travel, spooky, drumming, ghost battles, BBEGhost chuckles, heavy rowing
- Island and ocean travel noises, roc battle, centaurs, scorpions battles, sphinxes battles, Charybdis, storms, a loom, bear/lion/ram battles, manticore battle, chimaera battle,
- stone golem, centurions battle, dragon gets away,
That should get you to at least Level 6
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