Obsidian plugin officially GA

Announcing the official release of Syrinscape Online Player plugin for Obsidian!

My plugin has been accepted as a community plugin on Obsidian! You can now control the Syrinscape Online Player from within your campaign notes in Obsidian


  • Start/stop any mood
  • Fire off any one-shot
  • Embed the controls inside of spell descriptions or room descriptions so you don’t forget to use them!
  • Make as many sound boards as you want, with any sounds, any grouping
  • Autocompletion based on the sound name or scene name


  • Inside of Obsidian, open the community plugin browser and search for Syrinscape
  • press install and then enable the plugin
  • Go to the settings for the plugin and copy in your Syrinscape Authorization token.

Heya @coop,

This is AMAZING! Thank you so much for your work on this. It’s been nice following along on your chats with the dev team (on email). Hopefully we’ll be able to do some more on some of your good requests after this current sprint is done… (though, indeed, there is always a LOT we are wanting to get done).
:robot: :hammer:

Your plugin will work with the Online Player (installable app for playback and controllable on https://syrinscape.com/online/master/#/) AND the Web Player (sound streamed directly on webpage https://app.syrinscape.com/#/) as well, right?

That’s correct, @benjamin - it works with either the Online Player or the Web player. And I’ve tested both the plugin and the player from both Mac and iOS.

It does not work with the stand-alone players (yet). Although that would be something I’d love to implement. I’ll just have to wait till my requirements bubble to to top of the backlog.

I do want to thank you, Tai, and Ryan for your fantastic support during the development of this plugin. Great support, and great ideas on how to overcome issues. Thank you all! (And yes - the cache of remote links now expires after seven days)



This is all amazing stuff @coop! Thanks so much for doing it and for sharing it with the community! :grin:

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I just released an update to the plugin which I think is post-worthy.

I’ve updated the autocomplete function so that you can search for words in any order, and even filter on eg sfx vs oneshot vs mood.

Or if you know the sound id number, you can just type that and get the full syntax automatically including the title.


You are AMAZING! Thank you @coop :slight_smile: :pizza:

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Based on some user feedback, and fantastic support from the Syrinscape development team, I have released a new version of the Obsidian plugin - this version has an embedded player!

So now you only need one program going during game time - Obsidian.


I can’t wait to check this out!

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Thanks again for sharing this with everyone Coop! You have done a fantastic job :grin:


Thanks! I just completed another feature request, so if you install this plugin, keep checking for updates. Obsidian doesn’t auto-update. (At least mine doesn’t)

I’ve gotten some good engagement with users and they keep suggesting ways to improve the plugin. I’m having a blast!


I have a hard time understanding Obsidian.
How do I get it to play in Obsidian? I’m no expert with coding, or obsidian, and I find the overall lack of demo for newbies a bit frustrating?
So can you show a step by step guide?

Thanks for this feedback, @pieterstillaert!

Just yesterday i released an updated version and included an animated gif showing its use. Take a look and I would love some more feedback.

I was debating making a YouTube video but I didn’t know if people would want one. You have answered that question. I’ll post here once I have a video up.

Thanks again for the feedback!


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Thank you for that!

I figured out the reason nothing was working, that I had to turn on the player in Obsidian itself first. Now it works like a charm, and it’s such a time safer and convenience during my Pathfinder 2 game yesterday.


I’m glad you got it figured out in time for your game!!

I’m curious- did the video in the readme help, or did you figure it out on your own?

Any feedback in general for the existing video?

I’m still going to make a YouTube video, but curious about how much I should focus on mechanics or if the readme video covers it.

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Yay! Another user of the Obsidian plugin! You removed your post, but do let me know how you like the plugin and how it’s working for you.

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I have not managed to get this to work for me on a Mac.

  1. I can login into the Web player, it plays my sounds when using Microsoft Edge.

  2. I have freshly generated an Auth Token and pasted it into the Obsidian Plugin.

  3. When I insert an syrinscape: block, tab completion does not show me any of the sounds I have licensed’. E.g., typing “sune” should give me the Temple of Sune mood from the Tomb of Annihilation Pack 1.

  4. I can manually select the sound via pulldown, so I actually get

syrinscape:mood:319599:Temple of Sune (TOA Port Nyanzaru: Temples, Inns & Dinosaur Pens)

  1. While that gives me a toggle switch (unnamed), nothing is audible when I move the switch to “on”.

I am sure I am missing something basic. But at the moment I am stumped …

Hello @ahk Obsidian made some changes - good changes IMO - where it won’t activate pages until the first time you view them.

I think this might be what’s impacting you. The syrinscape plugin doesn’t log in to syrinscape until you display the player. So it might be as simple as in the upper right, press the icon for the music notes. That should display the Syrinscape player. It will likely display the text “activate” when you open it, but it’s actually trying to log in in the background so give it one or two seconds.

When it has successfully logged in, it should display the volume sliders for music and one-shots.

Screenshot 2025-02-06 at 1.33.30 PM

The other thing to check is in the settings for the plug-in, there’s a “clear remote links” button. The lead text should have the date of the most recent download in bold. You can press the button and it will clear the cache and re-download everything.

Since the completion isn’t showing you your licensed content, I suspect you have to do both steps, and do them in that order.

Please let me know if this resolves it for you. In that case, I’m going to make a small change to the plugin so that it automatically logs in, even if the player isn’t displayed.


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Thanks for getting back to me! One problem for me appears to be, that I do not see “music notes” icon anywhere in my Obsidian UI. I recognize a couple of the other icons your pictures shows (e.g., Backlinks), but no Music Notes at all.

Any idea what might cause that?

Hey again, @ahk
If you don’t have the music notes in the upper right view, then the player isn’t started, which explains most of the issues you’re having.

Along the left-hand side, there’s a quick launcher by default. Looks like a speaker. Press that.
Screenshot 2025-02-17 at 3.18.47 PM

After you do that and the player shows the volume sliders, go ahead and for good measure go into the settings and press the “clear remote links” button. That will force it to re-download the remote links used for controlling playback. That should allow you to do auto-complete for the music library you own.