Combat - Well, it depends on what you’re fighting, but if you’re talking about just straight combat music, I like Music - Hell’s Rebels and the “Battle at the Gate”/“Take 'em down” music from Baldur’s Encounters in particular.
Spooky - Elements - Horror, Spooky, and take your pick from anything in the Strange Aeons set!
Mysterious - The Rime of the Frostmaiden sets has several in a variety of sets, the elements called “Music - flow”, “music - berg”, “music - caps short”, and “music - fields (deep)”.
Drama - Curse of Strahd has “Strahds love theme”, and Trollskull Manor has music for suspense, dark, and investigation.
“You shall not pass!” - If you’re looking for a big dramatic moment, there are some great “stabs” of music - Walls of Ravenloft has horror stabs, battle stabs, spooky stabs, and thunderclaps. On the Trail of Lowls also has horror hits and piano hits. There’s also a “dramatic note” one-shot that’s in a great many sets, just search for that!
Awe Inspiring - I like the Preserver Artifacts set from the Sci-Fi Player, as that has several varieties of awe, from the pleasant to the unsettling. But Shimmering Veils also has that, as does Temple of the Healing Hand.
Evil/Monologue Time! - City Gone Mad has a good on in the “throne room” mood that’s good background music for an evil monologue. The set Masquerade has a full on monologue over a banquet, if that’s your thing. Or the Shadow Vortex has some good ones. Ooo, and a lot of the Curse of Strahd have good ones - like Barovia random encounters, or the Walls of Ravenlot.
Zen Moment - Temple of the Jade Dragon, Elven Vale Day/Night, Nebula from the Sci-Fi player.
Lead them over the hill, Gandolf - i.e. a dramatic escape - there’s a good one in Tabletop Music called “escaping hell”, along with good ones in Abandoned Lunatic Asylum and Deserted House.
Chase Scene - City Gone Mad has two great chase moods “shingles chase”, which are great!
Dungeon Stuff - Dungeon Depths, Catacombs of Wrath, Nylarhathotep (Sci-Fi Player), Dungeon of the Dead Three i/ii, all are good ones. And Sewer!