Not specifically, but all of those sounds exist!
Snakes/lizards - lizard hisses are in Mountain Pass. The best snaky sounds would be the “Xanesha” element from Angel in the Tower. Flying Fiend also has hisses and bites that are very snaky and fangy.
Bear - Into the Valley has a “Dire Bear” mood, along with dire bear oneshots. Wizard’s Estate also as a “Bear Battle”.
Wolf - Spooky has a mood called “Wolves Hunting Us.” Thrushmoor has several elements - big dogs, medium dogs, fungal wolves, and wolf growls. The gorefangs sounds in “Trouble in Kintargo” are also great deep savage growls. Yeth Hound Battle has some “slavering jaws” sounds for bites. The only “panting” sounds are in Sci-Fi player’s "Mountains of Madness, but they’re combined with dog-sled sounds, so less specifically useful.
Eagle/Large Bird - Mountain Pass has eagle calls. Jungle (tropical) also has owls, crows, and cuckoos.
Tiger/Lion - Tiger Battle!