New MacOSX Can't load soundset - RESOLVED

I’ve been using Syrinscape on iPad, but I don’t have it with me and I downloaded the Syrinscape application for Mac OSX. On launch, before I even got the option to login, I get a prompt saying “Syrinscape was not able to load it’s soundset data. Please check your internet connection.”

On an unrelated note, that’s the incorrect use of it’s. The possessive form is “its”.

But certainly please help me fix the connection issue first :slight_smile:

Relaunch fixed the issue, the login screen popped right up.


Yes for some unknown reason a small number of Mojave users have found that on first attempt it stalls but on a second attempt it runs fine. Something within Mojave seems to block Syrinscape’s access to the server but on a second run it seems to grant access. Very odd!