New "D&D Battle Music"

It sounds amazing, can’t wait to take a listen :grin:

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Sorry for the late reply. That would be awesome. What time zone are you in thought? I’m in Sweden and if you’re US or Australia we might have some issues :slight_smile:

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I live in Germany. So no issues there (: I plan to finish all the tracks by the end of the week, so let us see if we can make it work next weekend? Anybody who wants to is invited as well (:

I have tested the Soundset in my games the last week and I feel like it is ready. I have requested the Community Content publication, and will probably write a new thread for everybody once the publication has gone through (:


Valid, personally I have appreciated having access to some of these synthier and more electric sounding scapes. I agree that they are dissonant from the fantasy atmosphere I am trying to create in my campaign and as such I use them very sparingly, but the other day the party came up against a particularly unhinged villain and the cognitive dissonance that the electric guitars from the Avernus Hellscape and Battle sound sets really helped to convey his insanity.

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Epic level thread necro here @Wander.

Also: hiya! :slight_smile: :pizza: :beer: :crossed_swords:

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