I love Syrinscape, I used the “classic” version in the past on online games – I’d use VirtualCables to enable other players to listen to music I played on my computer. But this setup is pretty complicated and a main issue people had is that they would want to control the music on a separate nob. Syrinscape Online is a great solution for that.
I resumed my subscription recently, but when testing with a player (we’re both in Brazil) we noticed that there would be different delays when I play sounds on the control panel. For music, it would take ~10 seconds for it to start playing for me, and ~20 seconds for it to start playing for him (we’re on different cities). When I played short sound snippets (like “Yes”, “No”, etc) sometimes he wouldn’t even listen to it, I’m not sure why – it didn’t even start playing.
Both of us have decent internet connection (150 megabit+), and we have no problems watching YouTube, playing online games and etc, so we’re confident that the issue isn’t local to our networks or ISPs.
Apparently there’s a bandwidth cap on Syrinscape Online server, so music is either pretty delayed or has the bandwidth heavily limited to Brazil or Latin America. I see a ~220ms delay on the web master panel. Usually ping to southern US (like Amazon’s us-east-1) is around 130ms. We don’t mind waiting a second or two, the issue is waiting 20 seconds to listen to a sound, that totally kills the mood.
Is there any way we can prevent it?