Multiple tracks on single element, have a single one loop everytime element is triggered

So, I started dabbling in the SoundSet Creator, looks good!

I’m trying to design the following: I have a number, let’s say 5 tracks, that I categorize as “Generic Combat”. What I would like to do is have one of them randomly play when I click on a mood (Generic Combat) and them repeated until stopped. Whenever I click the mood again, I’d like another track to be randomly played and repeated.

This way I could have different moods (epic battle, dark battle, hopeless battle and so on),

I know I can have multiple tracks under a single element, and even randomize them, but that will cause different tracks to be played in succession, and I would like to have a single one playing and repeating on any give encounter.

Is this possible ?

Sorry to bump, but does anyone have info on this?

Sorry, missed it in the first place. :disappointed:

Let me get this straight: those five tracks you’re talking about - they are all music tracks, i reckon? I am a little confused about the usage though. When you’re talking about different moods later, do you have five different tracks per mood?

The point i am trying to make (and that is a limitation in the creator) - you cannot play only one element from the playlist in one mood. When that specific track is finished, the next in the list is played. This is the only thing you can randomize. But: if you want to have only one song playing until you stop it, why don’t you create a different mood for each song? That way you have even more control of what is playing.

The problem is that Syrinscape is so much more than a mediaplayer. It takes a different approach and though you have some functionalities that are comparably, others sadly are not. This is one occasion of not.

Probably not the answer you wanted to hear, but to my knowledge the randomizing doesn’t work that way. Sorry. :cry:

A solution (again, if i understood your problem correctly) could be - make different soundsets as your personal music archive. Name each soundset accordingly (like epic battle, dark battle…) and create a mood for each song, putting the song itself as a single element in this mood. Not the most elegant, but so you get at least a little of what you wanted.


Maybe @Steve or @benjamin can come up with a more elegant way to handle this.

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Hey New_Vision, thanks for your reply!

A solution (again, if i understood your problem correctly) could be - make different soundsets as your personal music archive. Name each soundset accordingly (like epic battle, dark battle…) and create a mood for each song, putting the song itself as a single element in this mood. Not the most elegant, but so you get at least a little of what you wanted.

This is how I’m doing at the moment. But I’d prefer, if possible, to have the behavior I explained (you got it correctly). So, instead of selecting which track to play, I’d just click on the element or mood and have it pick up from a pool of tracks, putting it up on “repeat”, so each scene would have a single music track as background… Not a big deal really, but would be nice!

If not possible right now, perhaps would be implementable? Right now in elements, under Sample Play Order we have “shuffle”, “random”, and “sequential”. Perhaps adding something like “pick one and repeat” (you can come up with a much better name =D) could be added?

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Why do you need them to be in the same element?
The thing is, you can have an element repeat itself, but not just one of its tracks.

So just create different elements and play one at random each combat. You don’t even need moods or soundsets for that.