mp3's of Syrinscape awesomeness? - FIXED

Hello, all.

I don’t suppose there’s any way of getting the amazing music that comes with Syrinscape, for use in a regular music player app. I love using the “Music - Hell’s Rebels” tracks while brainstorming my campaign. But Syrinscape (always-on screen, doesn’t run in the background, somewhat cumbersome UI from a phone) isn’t always ideal for using it. (For example: working out, walking to the train during my commute, etc.)

I would absolutely buy an mp3 album if it’s available. Might it be?


Hi @jpazniokas,

Firstly :smile:

Secondly, Syrinscape playing in the background is something we are working towards, with sooooome recent success, so stay tuned for that one.

Thirdly, you might like to just record Syrinscape’s output, you can do this on PC with free software like Audacity. There are some great tutorials online about how to catch SoundCard output.

Let us know if you need any more specific directions.

Awesome. Thanks, Ben! I kinda figured I’d do that, but just in case I had stumbled into a new excuse to give you money for the great stuff you do, I figured I’d ask.

Now, if the Glass Cannon people can get their crap together and get the GCP Soundset out to you, we’l be perfect! (FYI, in case you missed it, Troy admitted it’s “totally on us” in a recent AMA. So you’re exonerated. :wink: )

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