Missing Oneshots/Moods in Fantasy Player: LMoP Goblin Arrows

New user, a bit confused. I added LMoP: Goblin Arrows to my campaign. In Soundset Creator, I see 12 moods and 15 OneShots. In Fantasy Player, I see 9 Moods and 13 OneShots. Missing moods are “Intro music into wagon travel”, “Two Dead Horses”, “Aftermath”. Missing OneShots are “pit trap”, “net trap”. I’ve tried “reload” and “clear soundset data” followed by reinstalling.

If I duplicate the soundset in creator, the duplicate soundset looks correct.

Ben: kicks tires of server.

How about now? :grinning: :game_die: :wrench: :hammer: :japanese_goblin:

Awesome. That worked. Could you do the same to LMoP: Phandalin? It is missing the mood “Aftermath”. Just checked and the other 2 in the pack are fine.

Fixed, now? :slight_smile: :bug: :hammer:

Yup. It’s fixed, thank you.

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Woot! Thanks for letting us know. Info like this is very useful, especially when the fix is so easy!