Mining Sounds *Suggestion*


What I really could use for my current campaign are mining sounds (pickaxe, etc.) Couldn’t find any in the Fantasy collection…



Hmmm… There are some sounds of a forge… in Runelords somewhere…


Have a look in “HM Hook Mountain”

What’s cool is I used the NEW feature to do a text search (at the top of the left hand column) for all SoundSets that reference the word “hammer”. Which narrowed my search down to just three sets.

That new feature will be out with the brand new shiny version ANY DAY NOW! Yay!

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Hi Benjamin,

thanks, I’ll have a look a that, but a forge isn’t quite the same as mining… :wink:

I am looking forward to being able to search though. :heart_eyes:



Hi, yes, we’ll have to make a proper mining one soon.

But do check out that one, because all the smithy hammers there will do for chipping rocks etc…

AND once we have the SoundSet Creator all public and working, I won’t be long until someone comes up with something much better. :slight_smile:
