Matt Mercer Drez Vina failure to retrieve manifest

I bought Matt Mercer Drez Vina in the android app. If I search for it it shows that I can download it but it it keeps giving me this error. The windows app doesn’t show that I can download it.


Did you buy the SoundSet through the PlayStore (in app purchases?)

Send me your receipt via support at syrinscape dot com and I’l sort it our for you. :smile:

Thanks @benjamin, yes I did buy it with the in app purchase, I’ve sent the email.

OK. Try now. :smile:

You haven’t bought anything else yet, correct?

Working now! I haven’t bought anything else, yet. Thank you so much!

Hey, I’m a new member to the community, having only just discovered this very nice app. I sent an email to support a few days ago but haven’t received a reply yet. I bought several soundsets, and the last one “Music - Hell’s Rebels” is giving me this error and I cannot download it. It says I can install on my phone (android), but on the PC it appears as if I haven’t purchased it at all. Could I please get some help with this?

Thank you,

Hi @izerideon, sorry about that, we don’t seem to have received your email for some reason, did you send it to

I’ve just checked the server and I can see that you purchased several soundsets a few days back but I can’t see a transaction for the Hell’s Rebels set, which is why you can’t download it. Did you purchase from our store or from Google Play? If you want to email me the receipt to then I can give the goblins a kick and manually activate it for you

Sent you an email with the info. I’m not sure why you didn’t get the last, I sent it to I could have bumbled the effort. I appreciate your time!


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Hi George, I’ve just activated the set for you and replied to your email. Let us know if there’s any more problems! :smile: