Masterinterface isnt loading

Sorry, something went wrong
What’s happening? We have probably made a mistake that wasn’t immediately obvious until now. We’ve already been sent an automatic email about this, and will fix the problem as soon as possible.

Some options in the meantime
What you did might have worked, but the problem came when we tried to tell you about it. If you’re expecting an email, or a change to some information, check to see whether the email was sent, or the information was changed.
Try and do whatever you did again (you never know).
Go to the home page or Google and then look for links to the information you want. Sure, that’s probably on this page, but you could get lucky.

Im have tried different browsers and cleared my cache and cooklies

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Also having this issue. I’m sure it will be solved shortly

I hope it does. I’ve got a game to run later tonight.

Mines just started working again. I think they have resolved whatever happened.