[Master Interface/Website/Web Player/Frontend API] Streamlined OneShots, Shuffle Smarts, Self-Service Subscriptions and Some other... Stuff!

As we continue to tinker away behind the scenes, we are excited to share some recent improvements we have made, including some subtle adjustments to the Master Interfaces and Website, refinements the Web Player functionality and fortification of our API. Check out the details below, and as always ask questions if you have them!

Master Interface:

  • :dart: Organization of Global OneShots so those from the same SoundSet are now shown together, and private content first! So your voice is no longer lost among the chorus of the official content.
  • :bulb: Some naughty OneShots feel like they should stay “on” even when they are done playing. We have established a hall monitor to keep an eye on them and “gently” remind them to turn themselves off.
  • :file_cabinet: No longer show the outdated SoundSet icon in some cases where you would not need to know about it.


  • :no_entry_sign: Introduced a “(cancel)” button in the User Dashboard, providing a direct way to cancel active Subscriptions without navigating PayPal settings.
  • :twisted_rightwards_arrows: Fixed an issue with reordering Campaigns in the Campaign Manager, changes now persist correctly after page reloads.
  • :sparkles: Font Awesome icons have been updated, with a special mention to the reinstating of the Device Unlinking button for the Online Control Panel.

Web Player:

  • :repeat_one: Enhanced the shuffle playlist order in the Web Player to prevent repeating the same Playlist Entry consecutively across Playlist cycles, aligning it with the Online Player’s behavior.
  • :level_slider: Web Player now correctly respects the initial volume set for each Element instead of defaulting to 100.
  • :evergreen_tree: Do away with some unnecessary console logging, reducing the verbosity of benign error messages.
  • :ram: Implemented more aggressive server-side memory cleanup, resulting in improved stability.

Frontend API:

  • :memo: Standardized some error responses from the API, hopefully offering clearer messages to third-party developers.
  • :boom: Introduced some mandatory filtering on several endpoints that could potentially produce excessive results (and make the server explode). We were already applying this filtering, but anyone else experimenting with the API could have triggered this explody behaviour. No longer!

Until next time, stay awesome everyone! :grin:


My changes when I reorder my Campaign do not persist after the page reloads. Some Soundsets won’t drop in order and the rest won’t stay put.

Thanks for the report. It has come to our attention that fixing one bug has exposed some other bug whose cause is as yet unknown. Probably this second bug was always there, but no-one noticed because it was hidden by the bug that was fixed in this update.

To hopefully be somewhat clearer, before this change, no Campaign reordering would persist to the database at all (the request was not even being sent to the right place). Fixing this made Campaign reordering work in some cases, but not all, indeed this other issue is stinging some users, seemingly depending on what SoundSets they have in the Campaign, which cause the Campaign Manager to ask for the wrong ordering. It certainly looks like it has something to do with the All/Fantasy/Sci-Fi/Board Game tab split not showing all the SoundSets they are supposed to be, but still unclear why.

Given this would take some investigation to identify, and that the Campaign Manager has such low usage, it might be some time before this is looked at more closely :disappointed:

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