Late joiners don't hear ongoing sounds - OTHERS COMMENT HERE TOO! :-)

Sometimes we have people with connectivity issues, sometimes people are late to the game/returning from a break.

If the GM plays a sound - usually something long-lasting, say a tavern background - new joiners don’t hear a thing. The only solution is to stop everything and restart while everyone is connected.

Is that by design and unfixable? Something you’re interested in solving? Or are we doing something wrong?

Yeah, the way it all works makes this a trick one.

When the GM clicks a MOOD:

  1. A call to start is sent to all connected players
  2. This call contains all the parameters for each element that has been asked to play
  3. This call also includes a list of all the samples needed
  4. The Online Players now request any samples they are missing (ones that haven’t already been Cached before)
  5. ALSO = super cool = This call includes all the random seeds requied so that all the Online Players stay in perfect(ish) sync.

Cool, huh?

So yes, if an Online Player misses this call, they won’t play.

Easiest way to fix, is when someone new joins the GM should just stop and then start again with the currently running MOOD>

BUT we ARE thinking about:
a) When a new Online Player joins it asks "hey, so what’s going on? what did I miss?
b) the server sends the last call again
c) this newly joined Online Player will now be playing the right MOOD. It will be out of Sync… but it’ll get back into perfect sync again the next time the GM clicks any MOOD.

Thoughts? Worth doing?

Others? :sunglasses:

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I think that would be a good solution. For the long lasting background moods it is not nessesary for the clients to stay in sync.

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I like the client requesting the current mood at sign on. Many times we just have an ongoing ambiance, which means a late comer has no audio unless they notify me they have logged in.


Just want to emphasise for future people searching for this issue that you have to fully stop and restart the MOOD for new joiners to start hearing anything. Toggling an Element to start playing a new sound/song from a playlist isn’t enough to trigger the restart.

I feel foul of this one the other day.

Also someone correct me if I’m wrong, but I think you have to let any currently playing elements fade out and finish before restarting the mood, otherwise it’ll just fade back in and continue playing.

You do not. A quick flip off then on works. Happened two days ago and I didn’t wait for them to completely die down.

Existing players that are already playing elements will start to fade out and then ramp back up to their intended volume if you stop and then restart the current mood within the fade out period.

New players that joined late and are not already playing those elements will start playing them from the beginning (so not in sync with the existing players), when you restart during the fade out period.

Fully stopping (wait for the fade out to finish) and restarting will bring all players back into sync.