Keep losing my Custom Moods

Hi all,

Quick question. I am building some custom moods but after I save them they keep disappearing. Can anyone help me figure out what I am doing wrong? I am using the Syrinscape fantasy app on Mac.

Thanks to everyone in advance for your help!


Custom Moods are stored by the system: on PC in the registry, so on MAC = whatever the equivalent of that would be.

Sooo… I’d be looking at anything that: keeps your system safe, or cleans it, or other stuff like that. Can you Whitelist Syrinscape as a trusted program OR quarantine it from maintainance?

NOTE: Custom Moods are only meant to be a quick temporary way of storing a current state of Syrinscape. For more detailed preperation I would DEF reccomended giving the Online Player a try = that is an amazing environment for really deep customisation, but also for good organised prep. AND once you’ve finished working you can then log into ANY other Player (Online or Offline) and you work is there (saved on OUR server and safe from your system).

Here’s a vid of my workflow in the online player (just missing the new shiny search that is still in beta):


Hi Benjamin,

Thanks for your quick reply! I was just checking syrinscape now and they have all appeared again! I guess it might have been a glitch in my system. So everything seems to be working grand!

I will definitely check the online player, I think it could be really handy if I can build and store some of these moods!

Thanks again for such a quick response and a good alternative.

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