Just wrapped up first dnd session using Syrinscape!

I absolutely love Syrinscape!!! This app added an incredible amount of intensity and tension to my game!!! when we first sat down I started the first sound set, my players eyes all lit up I hadn’t told them about SS. I successfully creeped them out and made one of them actually jump with a one shot noise. They made it to the final resolution of this leg of the campaign and had to lift a curse that plagued a god, everyone was more engaged than i have seen them in a while. The increased immersion generated by SS is worth every and I will be a subscriber as long as I am a DM.


Hi @jakeemitte829 that’s awesome to hear! We love it when Syrinscape really helps to boost a game, it’s exactly why Ben came up with the idea (for his own games!) If you got any photos of the game we would love to see them! :smile:

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Yay yay!

I LOVE stories like this! :slight_smile: :smile: