Is the android app supported?

Hi all, I’m just wondering whether the android app is actually supported? I notice the reviews on play store are flooded with 1 star reviews all mentioning the same issues, which I also find (nothing downloads, it just says Queued for download).

I don’t see anything on the forum from people asking for support for the app, so is everyone just using the desktop version? Is it just known that the app doesn’t work?

Heya, yes it’s 100% supported with lots of people using it (we get stats). The Android reviews thing is just the nature of the Google store thing. People download, not really understanding how things work, don’t ask fo help and then abandon… :frowning: I think also, the highly variable spec of Android devices plays a part.

Mainly we need to do a social thing to encourage regular users to pop in and leave a review, to balance things. @Vicki? :slight_smile:

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Good idea. It is really handy to have the android app when I’m out and about and just want some ambience at the table, especially if I’m at a board game cafe or playing games at the pub, but honestly, nothing compares to using it on your computer or tablet. I agree with Ben about people downloading it on their phones and not knowing how best to use it.


There maaaaay be a new bug that has emerged too, affecting a few people on Android specifically too.

We are looking into it. :bug: :hammer: