Hi, I’ve been happily using Syrinscape for quite a while now, first with the Desktop player when we were able to meet in person, but more recently using the Online player now we are exclusively… online.
We use Fantasy Grounds and implement Syrinscape using John Waite’s (mattekure) extension and Soundlink module.
However I realised that no matter how great the setup moods were I almost always wanted to tweak them just a little for my the characters’ specific circumstances or players’ taste, and this would pull me away for the game as I searched for the correct page and adjusted levels etc. in the Online Player. Not ideal.
I then realised that each soundset/mood etc. page has it’s own URL. I spoke with John about this and whether he could implement triggering the URL from the soundlink in Fantasy Grounds, so the sound would play and the webpage for the sound would automatically be opened if it needed any adjustments. He said he thought it would be possible to add that line into the soundlink, but that the web address would first need to be included within the CSV record that is downloaded from you.
Is this possible? I’m hope you just flick a switch and it’s included but I imagine it’s not as easy as that!
Anyway, thanks for listening and keep up the good work.