I have upgraded my subscription to SuperSyrin; told my players to download the Syrinscape Online Player, the Fantasy Player, and sync them; and I have created a Soundset for my game. This is where I go, “Now what?” The instructions in the video seem a little vague and unclear at this point in regards to the questions I have.
I send the players the link from the Control Panel, but do I need to do that for every game session?
Do I run Syrinscape from the Fantasy Player or the Master Interface? If it’s from the player, how do I get my Soundset to my Fantasy Player?
If (when) the pandemic ends and we start playing in the same room and the players aren’t using their computers/headphones but instead I’m piping the sound from speakers do I run my Soundset the same way?
Thanks for your help. I have a game Sunday and I’m hoping to get this figured out before then.