Importable .JSON soon?

Hello, all,

I think it would be extremely useful for content creators and SuperSyrin subscribers to have an option to import a .JSON file for automation in creating moods/soundsets. With the new developments in technology, especially with AI, being able to generate .JSONs and import them into the Online Web Player via the control panel would be FANTASTIC!!!

This would cut out all of the manual editing and tuning of specific parameters for those of us with a little coding knowledge, or for those who setup custom GPT/AI tools to create .JSON files of moods that fit a specific description.

Could this be a possibility in the future?

That sounds like making a really bizarre workaround of some feature I cannot even imagine OO!

I’m confused as to what you mean, but I’m not sure if you’re aware of .JSONs and their function.

Either way - I’ve created a very specific and detailed custom GPT to work as a master DM assistant. This GPT not only helps with storytelling and narrative, but it can also generate any kind of NPC you want that is compliant to Fantasy Grounds VTT import formatting. In addition, I have uploaded the entire content of Syrinscape via .csv files to the GPT’s knowledge files and created a structured cross-reference and cross-validation instruction to generate moods based on what setting or description you feed it.

I’ve run over 20 Syrinscape tests using my custom GPT, and it is now 100% accurate in its responses. The GPT starts with 1-2 music elements and then adds 3-7 sfx elements. For each element, it tells you the specific parameters to customize (e.g. reverb, volume, 3D positioning, etc.). For now, I still have to manually create the mood based on its output (and they all sound GREAT btw), but GPT has the ability to create .JSON files, which are automation instructions.

If Syrinscape were to build an import option, then you could simply upload the .JSON that the GPT outputs, and the mood will be built automatically on Syrinscape for you, without the need for you to add and customize each element yourself. My suggestion is to add this feature and make it available for SuperSyrin subs only, as they are the true funding behind the application.

Anyway, I just wanted to share why I had this thought, and I wanted to make this GPT public once it is completely flushed out for the community to use.

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